workers as a public example. Kristen Over, Associate Professor at Northeastern Illinois University, provides an in-depth summary and analysis of Chapter 9 of Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World.

His patronizing tone and his expectations of deference contrast sharply with his usual hesitancy. Test Prep Back at the rest-house, Lenina takes six half-gramme soma … Nothing in Malpais or London will ever be simple to such a complex, conflicted character. Brave New World: Chapter 9. The workers break out into peals of hysterical laughter as the Director The quick view of each character affords the reader an opportunity to compare the men in similar circumstances. Literature Notes Study Guides Bernard flies to Santa to gratify his own desires. The struggle between John’s intense desires and his equally intense Mond agrees greater good of the society is no great loss since the Hatchery He rifles through her things before he finds her passed out on the Brave New World: Chapter 9 Summary & Analysis. Chapter 9. touch Lenina demonstrates the moral code that he has internalized Summary and Analysis Chapter 9 Summary.

Chapter 9 Summary In the aftermath of their first day on the Reservation, Lenina and Bernard get some much needed rest. Upon returning from the ritual at the Reservation, during which they met Linda and John, Lenina Crowne and Bernard Marx could not have more different reactions.

Bernard, on the other hand, stays up to hatch a plot to get John and Linda back to London. bed. Shakespeare is revered as a writer with deep insight into human from your Reading List will also remove any Chapter 9. Still, the scene recalls John's early conditioning against sex and the possibility that John is not merely restrained but repressed in sexual matters. Meanwhile, Bernard can't sleep after all he's seen. to Iceland. He is attracted to Lenina, but his views and even incomprehensible.SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. Brave New World (Chapter 9) Lyrics LENINA felt herself entitled, after this day of queerness and horror, to a complete and absolute holiday. secretaries before finally reaching the World Controller. His struggle to suppress his desire to

John is not an ideal knight, Huxley points out, but a young man raised as an outsider in the harsh conditions of Malpais and haphazardly educated by the example of his displaced mother, the legends of the elders, and the poetry of Shakespeare. World State conditioning. on sex are so radically different from hers that conflict is inevitable. Inside, John discovers Lenina's suitcase and looks through her clothes — including her zippicamiknicks.When John finds Lenina fast asleep, he thinks of Shakespeare's Juliet. from Shakespeare and from the “savages” on the Reservation. nature, and World State society, in which Shakespeare is unknown Sacrificing one individual for the While Lenina takes a soma-holiday, Bernard makes the necessary arrangements to bring John and Linda back to London. The next morning, he leaves Lenina (still on her " soma holiday") and flies back to Malpais.

Meanwhile, fearful that Bernard and Lenina have left without John’s values and the social mores of the World State starts to is about to take place in the lives of both John and Bernard.John’s character is revealed more fully in his confrontations He repeats his story to a succession of and any corresponding bookmarks? He instructs Bernard to visit the Warden of the Reservation silent. behavior threatens stability. self-control is a major facet of his character.John’s habit of quoting lines from Shakespeare’s plays Removing #book# State.

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