email me matthews416@cs.comNOTHING BETTER THAN GOING TO THE COUNTRY STORE IN BUNEA VISTA TENNESSEE WITH GRANDDADDY IN THE LATE 70S FOR A COLD CHOCOLATE SOLDIER OLD TIME ICE BOX OPENER ON SIDE THOSE WHERE THE GOOD OLD DAYS. I can remember buying Chocolate Soldier in cans by the case from the local Coca Cola franchise distributor in Bethlehem, PA between 1975 and 1980. It was in the 70's.The can had stripes in different colors on it, I think.My Grandfather owned a neighborhood store in Oklahoma City.

Packaging of Choc-Ola continued at the Doraville facility until at least 1985. In 1978, Pete Rose, one of the most renowned sports figure of his era, contacted Choc-Ola in an attempt to partner with them. If interested you can email me at; anyone remember the chocolate drink that came in a large can that had a cartoon man (like the Hawaiian Punch man) on the label? So remember Chocolate Solider is not as bad as once thought and if you're lost without a 'hoo and come upon a Dollar General look inside for a 6 pack of Chocolate soldier. I'd love to get him some for his upcoming birthday. I sure would like to find some Chocolate Soldier Drinks. Its earliest documented use is by the Olmecs of south central Mexico around 1100 BC. I'd love to chug one again!they sell chocolate soldier at dollar general storesI remember my brother and I walking down to the corner store in the mid 80's to get Chocolate Soldiers!!!

I was just on a memory lane trip and wound up here.I can remember our neighborhood store sold them. Do any seniors remember another chocolate bottled drink other than Yoohoo? OH SO GOOD!I had been buying six packs of bottled Chocolate Soldiers at Dollar General, but they stopped having them a few years ago. I have one of the bottles and it says it was bottled by Motts.Looked up chocolate soldier and a site on the internet said Snapple owns the chocolate soldier name but they are not in production right now. I have GREAT memories of summers in the 60's in Tennessee at my Grandparents, drinking Chocolate Soldiers every day! !Marci, It is called Stokely.

My personal favourite chocolate bar – perhaps influenced by the tv adverts – was Nestle’s Texan. They're way better & cheaper than Yoo-Hoo. They are soooo good.I have just aguired 4 bottles of chocolate soldier, the contents inside is not the greatest,and the bottle caps are a little rusty but some on make me an offer on two of these and maybe we can talk. Pulled them out of an ancient vending machine.

We would visit in the summertime from Calif and that is the first thing us kids would go for, a chocolate soldier. Chocolate Soldier seems way cooler, if anyone knows where I can get some whether online or not please e-mail me at or myspace me at, Thanks!i grew up drinking chocolate soldiers and have wonderful memorys of going to a store with my grandpa everyday in the summer time just to get little boy is 10 and likes yoo-hoos but i told him just the other day they have nothing on a chocolate soldier...i live in tennessee and i can't find them anywhere...In the 70's , we would go fishing in a small town on the west coast of Florida ,below Naples Everglade City.

He had a contract to make CS every Sat morning. i have searched the web and cannot find a company making a product by that name any longer.I drank many a Chocolate Soldier, Chocolate Brownie and now YooHoo. The man at the dollar general store said they discontinuid carrying it about 3 years ago. We love our fizzy sugary beverages. I don't recall. See page info below: Looking at a bottle of Chocolate solider i saw that it was bottled in Carlsdt, NJ when Yoo-hoo is also bottle and it says it's made by the Chocolate Group which i assume is Cadbury Schweppes. One uncle has passed and the other is in hospice care and I am trying so hard to remember the name. !I remember when I was a kid in the 60's. Recently, I bought some chocolate almond milk and it tasted a lot like the old CS's. This was a very memorable drink that had a soldier imprinted on the bottle. It brings back great memories of visiting my nan and poppa in Southern Oklahoma. They had the old bottle soda machine and it was a real treat while staying with my granmother back in the 70's and getting to have a bottle to myself.

What a GREAT taste it had then and still does today.The one that came in a can was a chocolate drink by Stokeleys. But it was good & I drank aplenty way back when. The following are links about Chocolate Soldier Soft Drink you may find interesting.

Does anyone remember it?So is there a website that you can purchase chocolate soldiers. I got my kids kinda hooked on them and now my 14 year old daughter all she wants for Christmas is an endless supply of C Soldiers... Can anybody help usfind them please.My husband recently bought a Chocolate Soldier bottle from an antique store for me. This mid- to late-1970s confection had milk chocolate, peanuts, and gooey caramel, similar to the Baby Ruth bar. Eventually, unable to meet the new FDA regulations without incurring substantial costs, Moxie opted to close the Indianapolis plant in 1982 and relocate the packaging operation to a contract manufacturer in Doraville, Georgia called Consolidated Chocolate.

Good stuff! I ran across a couple six packs of the bottles in the mid-'70s. I have not seen them in years.

15 cents?

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