I wish I would have discovered this blog earlier. He was getting rid of my weeds in my fenced in area of my apartment where we park our cars.

Species and Group . ”This is, of course, a defensive tactic, meant to protect against predators who might gobble up tasty caterpillars. Nymphalis antiopa. This hardy butterfly has a unique strategy, as far as butterflies are concerned, for the cold Rocky Mountain winters.

It was about ¾ of an inch in length, coal black with white flecks and a row of reddish dorsal spots. The eggs hatch in concert with the spring leaves, thus ensuring an ample food supply for the caterpillars.

These larvae are about 2 inches long. Since they are a stinging caterpillar I was a bit nervous about them coming into the house and or stinging my dog. Is it safe to assume that maybe the eggs were laid in my Chinese elm tree and that they are coming from there? The Spiny Elm caterpillar (Nymphalis antiopa) is a striking type of spiny black caterpillar.These black caterpillars from the Nymphalidae order can grow up to 2” (5 cm) in length. I had looked at all the so-called “tent caterpillars”, and others, without finding anything that matched. The caterpillars are at least 2 inches long. My daughter, who was five at the time, and I were in our Moab backyard watching a Black-chinned Hummingbird sip nectar from a Golden Columbine. (we thought he’d died for sure several times- then he ‘came back’ to life to our surprise!) If the butterflies appear too early, you must feed and house them until the funeral. It was from one of these groups that my daughter and I collected our captive caterpillars and learned so much about these winged wonders. Gradually the thin spiny skin worked upward as the caterpillar wriggled. Lol..I have never jumped so high so fast!

I am really hoping that you were making some sort of joke. These adults would walk headfirst down the trunk to feeding spots where sap flowed from the tree. 2000). I added leaves and twigs from the hackberry.

Sometimes they were observed “puddling” where they landed on moist ground to obtain minerals from the wet soil.At a certain point in the late summer, the butterflies were gone. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Spiny elm caterpillar poisoning: Introduction. First the caterpillars,then their “tent”. And keeping voracious caterpillars alive for a couple of months, gathering the right leaves for them to eat, while they grow and shed their skins 4 times, then ten days or so before the butterfly emerges…not easy to do and pretty hard to match up with any scheduled event.I hope you can see why I jumped to the wrong conclusion.I just found this post after googling myself.

We didn’t put out rotting fruit like bananas, peaches or melons for these butterflies to feed on because these fruits seemed to attract a variety of bees and flies. More detailed information about the symptoms, causes, and treatments of Spiny elm caterpillar poisoning is available below. In some parts of the country the caterpillars are seen in spring, but in some areas a second brood may be seen in late summer. The partially eaten leaves gave me an idea.We collected a half dozen caterpillars and placed them in a terrarium. I know that there is no real replacement for Mother Nature but as I found more & more of these dead on my patio (squished, drowned or partial bird/ant food) I began gathering them in a plastic tub with plenty of elm branches till I could figure out what to do. [NOTE: I’ve learned from readers of this post that this caterpillar has a toxic substance in its hairs or spines that can cause a very painful reaction if you touch it, so be careful—indeed of any hairy or spiny caterpillar. Contact with spines of dead caterpillars can still cause this irritation, since it is not something that the caterpillar willfully does. Let’s just admire butterflies when we are fortunate enough to see them, and not try to use them as if they were living confetti.Well I have 100s of larvae munching on our willow in San Dieo. We have a lot of cottonwood trees which are currently seeding – first time I’ve ever seen these little guys. By Damian Fagan. If you should find more, I would purchase them from you and pay for Overnight FED EX.This is a bad idea in so many ways! When I researched and saw the beautiful butterfly they become I want to ensure that my little friends are kept safe. None of the information you mention was included in your original comment. Mildly Toxic Caterpillars. Mourning cloaks may occasionally breed in northern Florida, but most adult specimens found here have been believed to be winter migrants from farther north (Glassberg et al. The border of the wings had a series of irregular scallops and had short projections on both wings. Its wings are a dark brown color with cream around the tips of the wings and blue spots next to that. Life Cycle. I had hoped to see one for years but had lived too far south to do that until that day. The Mourning Cloak is a relatively large butterfly with a 3 inch wingspan. You can identify these stinging caterpillars by the row of bright red or orange dots on their back. One landed on my daughter’s plate as if inviting itself to lunch. We lifted him onto a paper with his flowers and put him in the trunk of a tree to say goodbye. By the way, one more bit of information is that the droppings of insect larvae like caterpillars is called frass, which maybe your kids will find more exotic than calling it falling poop or caterpillar poo.Thank you so much for your reply. We never saw the Mourning Cloaks drinking nectar from the flowers in the garden, but they are known to occasionally imbibe on floral nectar. Will they lay eggs in the pear tree?i saw two of these flying in back back yard and i capture them and pin them down they are fascinating!i love looking at them daily they make me happy!Just found 2 of these caterpillars hanging out in my garage in Hamilton, OH!! With a three-inch wingspan, these were impressive butterflies.With a magnifying glass we could see that the Mourning Cloak’s front pair of legs were small and hairy. Spiny elm caterpillar poisoning: Contact with the poisonous hairs or spines of the Spiny Elm caterpillar can cause skin rashes or even a hypersensitivity reaction in some cases. These adults may emerge during winter if the temperatures are mild.

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